Company Website

Law firm

The Law office of Fahd Al-Quwaidhi is regarded as one of the leading agencies in the field of law and legal assistance in the Saudi market, with a brilliant and efficient staff of lawyers, advocates, and top attorneys with advanced degrees and specializations. They offer the most vehement representation, as well as other support services for their clients like tax planning, advisory etc. Fahd Al-Quwaidhi' s Law Firm is committed to serving the demands of its clients by maintaining effective and close communication with the team to foster a culture of commitment and loyalty.

Business Challenge

One of the biggest business obstacles for Fahd Al-Quwaidhi Law firm was their old and outdated website with little or no information about their expertise. People who were looking for justice were unable to find Fahd Al Quwaidhi Law Firm on internet as their digital presence was almost zero.

Our Solution

We analyzed all the information regarding their expertise and enamored it on their well designed website to let their customers know why they are one of the best law firms in Saudi Arabia. We paid attention to details and to ensure their goodwill through our customized website. Our content management services rewrote their vision and mission to highlight their focus areas to build trust in their New and existing clients.

Benefit to the Customer

With the help of a well managed website, Fahd Al-Quwaidi became a popular name in law market in Saudi Arabia. Not only did they come to the top of Google search, but they also saw a tremendous increase in their new client's ratio. Now with our online marketing strategies they became one of the most rapidly growing law firm in Saudi Arabia.

Features Summary

Attorney Portfolio
Specialty section
Featured services
Highlights of vision
Field Expertise




Our Other Work


Waste Management Company

Company Website
Waste Management Company

Lana's website was outdated and they had 2 domains, 1 for Waste management and another for Medical Equipment and Maintenance. They were facing several issues managing their websites. The websites were not engineered for selling, so they could not sell Medical equipment or supplies online.

We developed a robust and next generation web application for Lana Medical Company featuring their values and practices towards medical waste management and medical supplies to increase their brand value. We’ve also highlighted their excellence and experienced staff portfolio to boost up client’s faith. Using a proprietary E Commerce Engine we built an E Commerce website for selling medical equipment and supplies to customers.

With the assistance of our well designed website, Fully functional E Commerce Application, Lana Medical Company has been able to boost their sales and became an known name in the medical supply industry. Not only they’ve included big hospitals in their client’s list but comprising even small clinics and pharmaceutical companies as well. They are poised to shortly issue and IPO.


Rental Car Company Solution

Company Website

Rental Car Company Solution

Rentocars had an outdated and non functional website with limited features and with limited presence on Google and other search engines. Customers were unable to find relevant information on Rentocars website. They could just see the branch addresses and not book cars or receive any updates on the status of their bookings.

We created a one of a kind Car Rental Software Solution including all the cutting edge features like vehicle booking, order management, vehicle delivery and pick up, Easy access to vehicles, one click rate chart and quick links to see various services offered by Rentocars to beat their competitors and ensure everyday increasing customers. We’ve delivered a fast and mobile friendly website along with Native Mobile applications on Android and iOS to enable customers to book their favorite vehicles whenever and wherever they are

With the help of our Car Rental Software Solution, a mobile responsive and cutting edge website along with Mobile Applications, Rentocars has seen a new boom in their customer satisfaction rates and their sales increased beating all their old sales records. We’ve also improved their Google rankings with our digital marketing strategies to ensure they remain top in every search related to car rental services in Saudi Arabia.

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